I was really excited to start reading The Princess Bride by William Goldman because I love the movie, and it seems a truth universally acknowledged that the books are always better than the movie.
In the case of The Princess Bride...I like the movie better in certain regards, and the book in certain regards, but all in all I prefer the movie to the book. Now, I'm not saying the book was a complete flop. There were many things I enjoyed about, but there were also some things that just didn't make it very enjoyable for me.
First off, I loved Inigo and Fezzik's relationship in the book. It's one of those things you see in the movie, but you really feel it in the book. And their background stories were wonderful to learn (yet also a bit depressing).
Secondly, Westly was more realistic, I suppose is the way to support it. The movie he was portrayed as perfect, and nothing really bothered him, but in the book you get a lot more depth from his personality. As to which version I prefer, if you could mix them it would be perfect, but as they are I prefer the movie Westly better. The same goes for Buttercup.
Thirdly, Westly and Buttercups relationship was fight after fight, going back to true love. Maybe it was the bitter undertones, or the 'satire' through out, but it wasn't good. And 'William Goldman' pops up throughout the book to narrate/explain certain parts, and the pokes and prods he makes at his wife and son were depressing and annoying after the first couple of times.
And let's not talk about the ending.
Now, I'm not saying it was a terrible read. It was enjoyable, I did like it. I just didn't like, like it. So I gave it a three out of five stars.
One of the goals for this blog is to provide information for parents and readers alike to find 'clean' reads suitable for their children or themselves. In my reviews I will give a rating and a reason for that rating.
I give The Prince Bride a rating of PG (suitable for ages 12+)
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = horrible, 2 = OK, 3 = I liked it, 4 = I really liked it, 5 = I loved it), I would give The Princess Bride a 3