Why the Attic?

1. the part of a building, especially of a house, directly under a roof
The attic, the space under the roof of a house. Also known as garret, loft, or sky parlor. I like 'sky parlor', to me it seems to capture to magical essence of attics.
To me, an attic is not a place to hide, like your closet (although I wonder why you want to hide there, that's where monsters live, silly). The attic is a place of hidden stories. Of tales hidden under the dust that lights up as it travels through sun rays filtering through the lone window. The attic is where epic adventures are found, like in Jumanji. The attic is where that 'not so average' Nanny stays when she is 'needed, but not wanted.'
The attic is the place where you find magic hidden in the floor boards; up in the rafters; hidden in the walls. In attics, the magic is everywhere.
The same is for books.

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