Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars

Poignant - adjective
1. Keenly distressing to the feelings
2. Keen or strong mental appeal
3. Affecting or moving the emotions.

      This is a perfect description of The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green. A beautiful read. My mind literally cannot comprehend it. Something in this story has resonated deep in my soul.

     This is one of those books that the technical aspects does not matter to me, the words were music to my heart. All I am left with is the emotions and a need to keep this book close to my heart. This was such a beautiful read, that I can't do a 'proper' review on it. The emotional aspects affected me in such a beautiful way. I read the library's copy of The Fault in Our Stars, but I had to go out and buy me my own copy.

     One of the goals for this blog is to provide information for parents and readers alike to find 'clean' reads suitable for their children or themselves. In all my reviews I will mention general themes from the book, language, sexual/romantic interaction, and violence.

  Cancer, death, relationships, coping

  Mild language throughout, the F word is used once but not in a sexual way.

       Sexual/Romantic Interaction
  Kissing (sometimes passionate) One scene where sex happens, but it is a paragraph and very very little detail. I am a stickler for this, I don't normally let things like it slide, but it did not make me feel 'icky', or violated, so it didn't bother me.

 Cancer is such a huge thing, the book revolves around it (The main characters have cancer). Not surprising there is a lot of anger and sometimes that is taken out physically (mostly on inanimate objects, I don't think there was every physical, human harm)

      I would give The Fault in our Stars a rating of mild PG-13

      On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = horrible, 2 = OK, 3 = I liked it, 4 = I really liked it, 5 = I loved it), I would give The Fault in Our Stars a 5

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